Mr. Tee (214) 395-9506
T7 Elite is a non-profit 501(c)(3) year round tutoring and mentoring organization focused on serving middle and high school students to learn the subject areas of Algebra and Geometry. All donations are 100% tax deductible. Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve student's success in Math. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
It is the mission of T7 Elite to offer quality student math development, mentorship, and guidance by collaborating with diverse partners, leveraging local and regional resources, to produce college and career ready students who are equipped to meet current and future societal challenges. We believe that math learned in advance is an avenue to increase student confidence, self-esteem, dedication, and work ethic. By connecting in and out of school learning and mentoring students, we seek to improve student’s math scores in our region.
T7 Elite believes that the students who most need additional help in learning math are those that lacked a good foundation. We believe that middle and high school are the most important times to offer this additional help, while it can still impact a teen’s ability to graduate, attend college, and succeed in a career. Our vision is to help boost middle and high school students’ math confidence and test scores by learning the materials in advance and being better prepared. The program helps to inspire and prepare students to make better and more informed decisions in the classroom and in life.
Whole numbers, Intergers, Factors, Fractions, Reciprocals, Exponents, Decimals, Percents, Irrational numbers, Powers, etc.
Properties, Order of Operations, Exponents Advanced, FOIL Method, Functions, Intercepts, Graphing, Proportions, Slope, Substitution, Mid- Point, Distance, Diff of Squares, Diff of Cubes, etc.
Linear Equations, Inequalities, Matrices, Polynomials, Factoring, Radical Expressions, Sequence & Series, Probability, Quadratic Formula, Asymptotes, Square Roots Advanced, etc.
Angles, Transversals, Polygons, Triangles, Parallelograms, Quadrilaterals, Circles, Congruent Figures, Cones, Cubes, Cylinder, Equilateral, Isosceles, Rectangle, Rhombus, Square, Sphere, Prism, Area, Diagonal, Perimeter, Base, Height, etc.
Mr. Tee (214) 395-9506
Copyright © T7 Elite - All Rights Reserved.